
A large mass, planet or planetoid in the Star Wars Universe, at the time of 0 ABY.
  • name
    The name of this planet.
  • diameter
    The diameter of this planet in kilometers.
  • rotationPeriod
    The number of standard hours it takes for this planet to complete a single rotation on its axis.
  • orbitalPeriod
    The number of standard days it takes for this planet to complete a single orbit of its local star.
  • gravity
    A number denoting the gravity of this planet, where "1" is normal or 1 standard G. "2" is twice or 2 standard Gs. "0.5" is half or 0.5 standard Gs.
  • population
    The average population of sentient beings inhabiting this planet.
  • climates
    The climates of this planet.
  • terrains
    The terrains of this planet.
  • surfaceWater
    The percentage of the planet surface that is naturally occurring water or bodies of water.
  • created
    The ISO 8601 date format of the time that this resource was created.
  • edited
    The ISO 8601 date format of the time that this resource was edited.
  • id
    The ID of an object