RunState represents a discrete state of a Run.
- UNKNOWNAn invalid "zero-value" for the run state.
- QUEUEDThe run is queued and is either waiting for an available worker or for the stack lock to be released by another run.
- CANCELEDThe run has been canceled by the user.
- INITIALIZINGThe run's workspace is currently initializing on the worker.
- PLANNINGThe worker is planning the run.
- FAILEDThe run has failed.
- FINISHEDThe run or task has finished successfully.
- UNCONFIRMEDThe run has planned successfully, it reports changes and is waiting for the user to review those.
- DISCARDEDThe run's plan has been rejected by the user.
- CONFIRMEDThe run's plan has been confirmed by the user. The run is now waiting for the worker to pick it up and start processing.
- APPLYINGA worker is currently applying the run's changes.
- PERFORMINGThe worker is currently performing the task requested by the user.
- STOPPEDThe run has been stopped by the user.
- DESTROYINGThe worker is currently performing a destroy operation on the managed resources.
- PREPARINGThe workspace is currently being prepared for the run.
- PREPARING_APPLYThe workspace is currently being prepared for the change deployment.
- SKIPPEDThe run was skipped.
- REPLAN_REQUESTEDThe run is pending a replan and should get picked up by the scheduler.
- PENDINGDeprecated state.
- PREPARING_REPLANThe run is being prepared to be replanned.
- READYThe run is ready to be started.
- PENDING_REVIEWThe proposed run is waiting for post-planning approval policy sign-off.