StackState represents a discrete state of a Stack, which is also the state of
its most currently running Run.
- NONENo tracked run has been started yet, so the stack has no meaningful state.
- INITIALIZINGThe current tracked run is now initializing.
- PLANNINGThe current tracked run is now planning.
- FAILEDThe last tracked run has failed.
- FINISHEDThe last tracked run has finished successfully.
- UNCONFIRMEDThe current tracked run is awaiting human confirmation.
- DISCARDEDThe last tracked run has been discarded by the user.
- CONFIRMEDThe current tracked run has been confirmed by the user.
- APPLYINGThe current tracked run is now applying.
- STOPPEDThe last tracked run has been stopped.
- DESTROYINGThe current destroy job is now deleting all managed resources.
- PREPARINGThe current tracked run is now preparing for execution.
- PREPARING_APPLYThe current tracked run is now preparing to apply the change.
- REPLAN_REQUESTEDThe current tracked run is pending a replan.
- PREPARING_REPLANThe current tracked run is being prepared to be replanned.