
Enum types are sets of discrete values. An enum field must return one of the possible values of the enum.
APIKeyType represents the type of an API key.
AccountType represents a type of Spacelift account. It's no longer used, but it's left for backwards compatibility reasons.
Action represents an action in Spacelift that can be performed by a user.
What granularity to use for aggregating data points
What aspect of the account usage to return data for
BillableRunState represents a state that is billed.
BillingAddonType represents the addon types that are available to be subscribed to. This only applies to the V4_STARTER tier.
BillingCycleInterval represents the billing cycle interval for a subscription. This only applies to the V4_STARTER tier.
BillingTier represents a billing tier for a user. Please see https://spacelift.io/pricing for more information about each tier.
BillingTierFeature lists various features that are feature-gated by billing tier.
ConfigType is the type of the configuration element.
Status of a entity change.
Type of a entity change.
PolicyType represents a type of Spacelift policy.
RunReviewDecision values represent available run review decision.
RunState represents a discrete state of a Run.
RunType is a type of the Run.
SAMLNameIDFormat is the format for the NameID to use when making requests to the SAML identity provider.
SearchQueryOrderDirection is the direction of the ordering.
The level of access a user has to the given space.
StackState represents a discrete state of a Stack, which is also the state of its most currently running Run.
StripeSubscriptionStatus represents all states of a Stripe subscription. https://docs.stripe.com/api/subscriptions/object#subscription_object-status the convention of casing is kept to match the Stripe API.
Current status of the Terraform provider version.
TerragruntTool defines the underlying tool run by Terragrunt.
VCSProvider is the type of VCS provider.
VersionState represents the current state of the Version.
A Directive can be adjacent to many parts of the GraphQL language, a __DirectiveLocation describes one such possible adjacencies.
An enum describing what kind of type a given `__Type` is.