
Arguments used to update an individual Module.
  • administrative
    Administrative stacks can manage other Stacks at runtime.
  • branch
    Name of the branch to track.
  • description
    Optional free-form description of the Module.
  • githubActionDeploy
    When set to true, the "Deploy" action will be enabled on GitHub Checks Run (default: true).
  • labels
    Optional list of Module labels.
  • localPreviewEnabled
    Whether triggering local workspace based Versions on this Module is enabled.
  • namespace
    Namespace is the optional namespace which the repository belongs to. If not provided, the name of the linked GitHub account is used.
  • repository
    Name of the repository to track.
  • repositoryURL
    Optional URL of the repository to track.
  • projectRoot
    Project root is the optional directory relative to the workspace root containing the root directory of the module.
  • protectFromDeletion
    Indicates whether deletion protection is currently "on" for the module.
  • sharedAccounts
    Optional list of the accounts (subdomains) which have access to the Module.
  • space
    ID of the Space this Stack should be in.
  • vcsIntegrationId
    The ID of the VCS integration used by this stack. This should only be provided if the default (account-level) integration is not being used (i.e. a space-level integration is being used).
  • workerPool
    ID of the worker pool for the Module to use.
  • runnerImage
    Optional runner image used to process the module metadata during parsing Run.