ManagedUser!- idGlobally unique, immutable ID of ManagedUser.
- usernameUsername from account's identity provider.
- invitationEmailEmail through which user was invited to given account. Can be empty.
- spaceCountNumber of spaces user was explicitly given permissions to.
- accessRules[SpaceAccessRule!]!List of permissions given explicitly to given user.
- groupCountNumber of groups in your identity provider that this user was a member of on last login.
- latestGroupsGroups in your identity provider that this user was a member of on last login.
- latestInvitationManagedUserInvitationInvitation details for the latest invitation sent to given user. Can be empty.
- lastLoginTimeUnix timestamp (in seconds) at which user has last authenticated.
- loginMethodIdentityProviderIdentity provider used for authenticating given user.
- statusUserStatusStatus is user status.
- roleUserRoleRole describes if user is an admin or ordinary user.
- slackMemberIDID of slack user that will have the same permissions as given managed user when using Spacelift through Slack integration.
- userRoleBindings[UserRoleBinding!]!Roles that are binded to this user.