
Enable the module.



  • id
    Unique (within a single organization), immutable name of the Module.
  • space
    ID of the space this Module belongs to.
  • administrative
    Administrative modules can manage other Stacks at runtime.
  • apiHost
    API host, useful for building links in the GUI. It may be empty if the Module's original VCS provider has been removed.
  • branch
    Git branch of the repo that the Module is tracking.
  • canWrite
    Whether the user has write privileges for this Module.
  • createdAt
    Timestamp representing the module creation.
  • description
    Free-form module description for the users, supports Markdown.
  • githubActionDeploy
    Indicates whether the GitHub Checks "Deploy" action is enabled.
  • isDisabled
    If module is disabled, it will not be able to create any runs.
  • Labels applied to a Module.
  • localPreviewEnabled
    Whether triggering local workspace based Versions on this Module is enabled.
  • moduleSource
    The value to use for the Terraform `source` property when accessing the module.
  • Provider-independent name of the Terraform module.
  • namespace
    Repository namespace.
  • ownerSubdomain
    Subdomain of the account owner - if the module is owned by another account and just shared with the current one, this will be used to point the user to the "canonical" location of the module.
  • projectRoot
    Project root is the optional directory relative to the workspace root containing the root directory of the module.
  • protectFromDeletion
    Indicates whether deletion protection is currently "on" for the stack.
  • public
    Public indicates that the Module is shared with the entire world. Public Modules cannot be deleted or marked private.
  • repository
    GitHub repository tracked by this Module, as account/repo.
  • repositoryTags
    A list of tags for the tracked repository.
  • repositoryURL
    Git repository URL tracked by this Module.
  • sharedAccounts
    List of the accounts (subdomains) which have access to the Module.
  • terraformProvider
    TerraformProvider represents Module's Terraform provider
  • starred
    Is the module starred by the current user.
  • runnerImage
    Optional runner image used to process the module metadata during parsing Run.