
Promote a proposed Run to a tracked one.



  • id
    Globally unique ID (ULID) of the Run.
  • branch
    Name of the branch for which this Run has been created.
  • canPromote
    Checks if a proposed run can be promoted to a tracked one.
  • canConfirm
    Checks if a run can be confirmed.
  • canRetry
    Checks if a run can be retried.
  • command
    Command - only useful for Tasks.
  • createdAt
    Unix timestamp representing Run creation.
  • driftDetection
    Indicates whether this run belongs to a drift detection workflow.
  • expectFailure
    If the run is a module test case, is the test case expected to fail? This field will be null for non-module runs.
  • expired
    Expired run is one that's been waiting for user approval for long enough to have its pending plan file garbage-collected.
  • finished
    Convenience helper, allowing a quick check on whether the Run has finished.
  • isMostRecent
    Indicates whether the run is the most recent one its current Stack - ie. it is the one that has last changed the stack state.
  • needsApproval
    Indicates whether the Run needs approval before it can proceed.
  • promoteBlocker
    Reason why the run cannot be promoted, if any.
  • confirmBlocker
    Returns a message explaining why a run cannot be confirmed.
  • retryBlocker
    Reason why the run cannot be retried.
  • title
    Title of the Run for UI consumption.
  • triggeredBy
    The user who manually triggered this Run, if any.
  • updatedAt
    Unix timestamp of the last update.
  • supportsDetailedResources
    Indicates whether the run supports detailed resources.
  • isPrioritized
    Indicates whether the run has been prioritized. By default, runs are not prioritized. However, if a run is prioritized, it will take precedence over other queued runs for the worker pool it is assigned to.
  • summarizable
    Indicates whether the run can be summarized with AI