Trigger a Run. By default, this mutation triggers a tracked run for the
commit currently tracked by a Stack or, if the Stack is not yet tracking any
commit, against the HEAD of the Stack's tracked branch. These defaults can
be overridden.
- stack
- commitSha
- runTypeRunType
- runtimeConfigRuntimeConfigInput
Run!- idGlobally unique ID (ULID) of the Run.
- branchName of the branch for which this Run has been created.
- canPromoteChecks if a proposed run can be promoted to a tracked one.
- canConfirmChecks if a run can be confirmed.
- canRetryChecks if a run can be retried.
- Entities changed by this Run.
- Entities changed by this Run. If phase is not passed, the changes for latest phase are returned.
- searchEntityChangesSuggestions returns search suggestions for run changes.
- searchEntityChanges allows to search changes of a run.
- commandCommand - only useful for Tasks.
- comments[RunComment!]!Comments on the Run, if any.
- commitCommit!Commit representing the HEAD of the branch at the time of triggering the Run.
- createdAtUnix timestamp representing Run creation.
- deltaDeltaChange in resources tracked by the Stack's state that will be caused by this Run.
- dependsOn[RunDependency!]!The run that this run depends on.
- isDependedOnBy[RunDependency!]!The runs that depend on this run.
- driftDetectionIndicates whether this run belongs to a drift detection workflow.
- expectFailureIf the run is a module test case, is the test case expected to fail? This field will be null for non-module runs.
- expiredExpired run is one that's been waiting for user approval for long enough to have its pending plan file garbage-collected.
- externalDependencies[RunExternalDependency!]!any external dependencies that this run has
- finishedConvenience helper, allowing a quick check on whether the Run has finished.
- history[RunStateTransition!]!Run history as a list of state transitions.
- isMostRecentIndicates whether the run is the most recent one its current Stack - ie. it is the one that has last changed the stack state.
- Paginated slice of Run logs associated with one of the current Run's (past or present) states.
- A download URL for the logs of a run state
- nextRunNext run, if any. Next indicates a run of the same type, on the same branch, created right after the current one.
- needsApprovalIndicates whether the Run needs approval before it can proceed.
- planPoliciesOutcomes[PlanPoliciesOutcome!]!List of outcomes for policies evaluated against this runs plan.
- policyReceipts[RunPolicyReceipt!]!List of policy evaluations events that affected this run.
- Policy evaluation sample for a given key, if available.
- previousRunPrevious run, if any. Previous indicates a run of the same type, on the same branch, created right before the current one.
- promoteBlockerReason why the run cannot be promoted, if any.
- confirmBlockerReturns a message explaining why a run cannot be confirmed.
- reviews[RunReview!]!List of reviews for this run.
- retryBlockerReason why the run cannot be retried.
- runtimeConfigRuntimeConfigIndividual runtime configuration for this Run.
- customRuntimeConfigRuntimeConfigCustomer provided runtime configuration for this Run.
- stateRunStateCurrent state of the Run.
- titleTitle of the Run for UI consumption.
- triggeredByThe user who manually triggered this Run, if any.
- typeRunTypeType of the Run.
- updatedAtUnix timestamp of the last update.
- supportsDetailedResourcesIndicates whether the run supports detailed resources.
- isPrioritizedIndicates whether the run has been prioritized. By default, runs are not prioritized. However, if a run is prioritized, it will take precedence over other queued runs for the worker pool it is assigned to.
- summarizableIndicates whether the run can be summarized with AI
- summaryRunSummaryRun summary generated with AI