Sets or unsets star on a Stack or Module.
Stack!- idUnique (within a single organization), immutable name of the stack.
- spaceID of the space this Stack belongs to.
- spaceDetailsSpace!Details of the space this Stack belongs to.
- additionalProjectGlobsList of globs that when changed trigger a run. It similar to projectRoot but instead of being a concrete path it is a a list of paths defined using the glob pattern.
- administrativeAdministrative stacks can manage other Stacks at runtime.
- apiHostAPI host, useful for building links in the GUI. It may be empty if the Stack's original VCS provider has been removed.
- attachedAwsIntegrations[StackAwsIntegrationAttachment!]!Any AWS integrations attached to this stack.
- attachedAzureIntegrations[StackAzureIntegrationAttachment!]!Any Azure integrations attached to this stack.
- attachedContexts[StackContextAttachment!]!List of contexts attached to this Stack.
- attachedPolicies[StackPolicyAttachment!]!List of policies attached to this Stack.
- attachablePolicies[Policy!]!List of policies that can be attached to this Stack.
- attachableWorkerPools[WorkerPool!]!List of worker pools that can be attached to this Stack.
- attachableContexts[Context!]!List of contexts that can be attached to this Stack.
- repositoryTagsA list of tags for the tracked repository.
- attachableAwsIntegrations[AwsIntegration!]!List of aws integrations that can be attached to this Stack.
- attachableAzureIntegrations[AzureIntegration!]!List of azure integrations that can be attached to this Stack.
- autodeployWill the stack automatically deploy successful plans.
- autoretryWill the stack automatically retry invalidated Pull Request Runs.
- blockedIndicates whether the stack is currently blocked by a Run.
- blockerRunThe Run that's currently holding the stack lock, if any.
- afterApplyList of after-apply scripts.
- beforeApplyList of before-apply scripts.
- afterInitList of after-init scripts.
- beforeInitList of before-init scripts.
- afterPlanList of after-plan scripts.
- beforePlanList of before-plan scripts.
- afterPerformList of after-perform scripts.
- beforePerformList of before-perform scripts.
- afterDestroyList of after-destroy scripts.
- afterRunList of after-run scripts.
- beforeDestroyList of before-destroy scripts.
- blueprintBlueprintWill point to a blueprint if the stack has been created using one.
- branchGit branch of the repo that the Stack is tracking.
- canWriteWhether the user has write privileges for this Stack.
- Single stack config element.
- config[ConfigElement!]!Full list of stack config elements.
- createdAtTimestamp representing the stack creation.
- deletedWhether the stack has been deleted.
- deletingWhether the stack is pending deletion.
- An individual stack dependency.
- dependsOn[StackDependency!]!Dependencies of the stack.
- isDependedOnBy[StackDependency!]!Stacks that are depending on this stack.
- dependenciesFullGraph[StackDependency!]!All stack dependencies this stack depends on, or are depended on by, including transitive dependencies.
- descriptionFree-form stack description for the users, supports Markdown.
- deltaDeltaChange in resources tracked by the Stack's state that will be caused by an unconfirmed run that is blocking the stack.
- entities[ManagedEntity!]!Entities managed by this stack.
- entityCountNumber of entities managed by this stack.
- Individual entity managed by this stack (id is the address of the entity).
- githubActionDeployIndicates whether the GitHub Checks "Deploy" action is enabled.
- hooksHooks!List of hooks extending this stack.
- integrationsStackIntegrationsIntegrations between a Stack and external systems.
- isDisabledIf stack is disabled, it will not be able to create any runs.
- isDriftedIf there are any entities in the stack that are drifted, this value will be true.
- labelsLabels applied to a Stack.
- localPreviewEnabledWhether triggering local workspace based Runs on this Stack is enabled.
- lockedAtTimestamp of the time when the stack was locked, if it is locked.
- lockedByUsername of the person who locked the Stack for their exclusive use.
- lockNoteNote associated with the lock, if any.
- managesStateFileIs Spacelift responsible for managing the Terraform state file.
- moduleVersionsUsed[Version!]!Versions of modules hosted on Spacelift the latest run on this Stack uses.
- nameFancy, mutable name of the Stack to show in the UI.
- namespaceRepository namespace.
- notificationCountNumber of the new stack notifications.
- outputs[StackOutput!]!The list of stack outputs, if any.
- Retrieve stack policy attachment by a known ID.
- pullRequests[PullRequest!]!List of up to 50 most recent open Pull Requests targeting Stack's tracked branch.
- projectRootProject root is the optional directory relative to the workspace root containing the entrypoint to the Stack.
- protectFromDeletionIndicates whether deletion protection is currently "on" for the stack.
- providerVCSProviderProvider of the repository
- repositoryGitHub repository tracked by this stack, as account/repo.
- repositoryURLGit repository URL tracked by this stack.
- runnerImageOptional runner image used to process the Run.
- Individual Run (or task) by ID.
- Searches run ignored triggers. This query can only be fetched by admins. Note: this is an experimental functionality.
- Paginated list of Runs targeting the tracked branch.
- List of runs from a start timestamp inclusive to an end timestamp exclusive. Caveat: It uses Ints serialized to Strings, because serializing Ints to JSON is apparently really hard in JavaScript. Also, note that the maximum supported range is 8 days (691,200 seconds).
- runtimeConfig[ConfigElementWithSource!]!Calculated runtime config containing elements coming from contexts, stack and various integrations.
- Individual ScheduledRun created for this stack
- scheduledRuns[ScheduledRun!]!Runs that are scheduled for this stack
- Individual ScheduledDelete created for this stack
- scheduledDeletes[ScheduledDelete!]!Deletes that are scheduled for this stack
- Individual ScheduledTask created for this stack
- scheduledTasks[ScheduledTask!]!Tasks that are scheduled for this stack
- starredStarred stack is showed first on the stack list
- stateStackStateCurrent state of the Stack.
- stateSetAtTimestamp of the last change to the Stack state.
- stateSetByID of the last run that changed the Stack state.
- Paginated list of Tasks.
- terraformVersionTerraform version set by the admin (can be a version range) or last used to apply changes (always a version).
- effectiveTerraformVersionWhen the Terraform version is a version range, this is the highest version in the range that will be used for the next run. If the version is not a range, or is not set, this field will be nil.
- trackedBranchHeadCommitCurrent tracked branch head, if any.
- trackedCommitCommitCurrent commit tracked by the Stack - that is the latest commit pushed that affects it.
- trackedCommitSetByNote about who or what set the current tracked commit, if anything.
- vcsDetachedVCSDetached indicates whether the stack's VCS integration has been deleted.
- vcsIntegrationVCSIntegrationThe VCS integration used by this stack. This may either be a default integration, or a space-level integration. If a space-level integration is being used by the stack, and that integration is deleted, this property will be null. Additionally, if the stack is using a default integration, and none exists, this property will be null.
- vendorConfigStackConfigVendorStack configuration which is specific to the vendor used.
- workerPoolWorkerPoolWorkerPool associated with the Stack, if any. If the Stack is associated with the shared default worker pool, this field is empty.
- isStateRollbackReturn true if the stack is currently using a rolled-back state
- Returns managed state versions
- needsApprovalIndicates whether the Stack has a run that needs approval.
- enableWellKnownSecretMaskingIndicates whether the masking for secret is enabled for this stack.
- enableSensitiveOutputUploadIndicates whether uploading sensitive outputs is enabled for this stack.