
Sets or unsets star on a Stack or Module.



  • id
    Unique (within a single organization), immutable name of the stack.
  • space
    ID of the space this Stack belongs to.
  • additionalProjectGlobs
    List of globs that when changed trigger a run. It similar to projectRoot but instead of being a concrete path it is a a list of paths defined using the glob pattern.
  • administrative
    Administrative stacks can manage other Stacks at runtime.
  • apiHost
    API host, useful for building links in the GUI. It may be empty if the Stack's original VCS provider has been removed.
  • repositoryTags
    A list of tags for the tracked repository.
  • autodeploy
    Will the stack automatically deploy successful plans.
  • autoretry
    Will the stack automatically retry invalidated Pull Request Runs.
  • blocked
    Indicates whether the stack is currently blocked by a Run.
  • afterApply
    List of after-apply scripts.
  • beforeApply
    List of before-apply scripts.
  • afterInit
    List of after-init scripts.
  • beforeInit
    List of before-init scripts.
  • afterPlan
    List of after-plan scripts.
  • beforePlan
    List of before-plan scripts.
  • afterPerform
    List of after-perform scripts.
  • beforePerform
    List of before-perform scripts.
  • afterDestroy
    List of after-destroy scripts.
  • afterRun
    List of after-run scripts.
  • beforeDestroy
    List of before-destroy scripts.
  • branch
    Git branch of the repo that the Stack is tracking.
  • canWrite
    Whether the user has write privileges for this Stack.
  • createdAt
    Timestamp representing the stack creation.
  • deleted
    Whether the stack has been deleted.
  • deleting
    Whether the stack is pending deletion.
  • description
    Free-form stack description for the users, supports Markdown.
  • entityCount
    Number of entities managed by this stack.
  • githubActionDeploy
    Indicates whether the GitHub Checks "Deploy" action is enabled.
  • isDisabled
    If stack is disabled, it will not be able to create any runs.
  • isDrifted
    If there are any entities in the stack that are drifted, this value will be true.
  • Labels applied to a Stack.
  • localPreviewEnabled
    Whether triggering local workspace based Runs on this Stack is enabled.
  • lockedAt
    Timestamp of the time when the stack was locked, if it is locked.
  • lockedBy
    Username of the person who locked the Stack for their exclusive use.
  • lockNote
    Note associated with the lock, if any.
  • managesStateFile
    Is Spacelift responsible for managing the Terraform state file.
  • Fancy, mutable name of the Stack to show in the UI.
  • namespace
    Repository namespace.
  • notificationCount
    Number of the new stack notifications.
  • projectRoot
    Project root is the optional directory relative to the workspace root containing the entrypoint to the Stack.
  • protectFromDeletion
    Indicates whether deletion protection is currently "on" for the stack.
  • repository
    GitHub repository tracked by this stack, as account/repo.
  • repositoryURL
    Git repository URL tracked by this stack.
  • runnerImage
    Optional runner image used to process the Run.
  • starred
    Starred stack is showed first on the stack list
  • stateSetAt
    Timestamp of the last change to the Stack state.
  • stateSetBy
    ID of the last run that changed the Stack state.
  • terraformVersion
    Terraform version set by the admin (can be a version range) or last used to apply changes (always a version).
  • effectiveTerraformVersion
    When the Terraform version is a version range, this is the highest version in the range that will be used for the next run. If the version is not a range, or is not set, this field will be nil.
  • trackedCommitSetBy
    Note about who or what set the current tracked commit, if anything.
  • vcsDetached
    VCSDetached indicates whether the stack's VCS integration has been deleted.
  • isStateRollback
    Return true if the stack is currently using a rolled-back state
  • needsApproval
    Indicates whether the Stack has a run that needs approval.
  • enableWellKnownSecretMasking
    Indicates whether the masking for secret is enabled for this stack.
  • enableSensitiveOutputUpload
    Indicates whether uploading sensitive outputs is enabled for this stack.