- Set audit trail webhook for the Account.
- auditTrailDeleteWebhookAuditTrailWebhookDelete audit trail webhook.
- Update Account's Security Email
- accountConfirmDeleteDelete the account
- accountToggleDeletionMarkMark/unmark the Account for deletion.
- accountToggleAllowNonRootAdminSpaceCreationAllow/Disallow non-root admins to create subspaces.
- Update Account's Awareness Source
- accountToggleEnablingAIEnable/Disable AI usage at account level
- AccountAcceptTermsAndConditionsVersionForAI marks the account as accepting the terms and conditions for the given version of AI usage.
- ChangeLLMVendor changes the selected LLM vendor for the account
- accountToggleEnforcingMFAEnable/disable enforcing MFA for the Account.
- Update limit of runs created by a single VCS event for this account
- Update the authorization schema used by the account
- Create an API key.
- Delete an API key.
- Enable/disable non-root managers for API keys. Settings this to true means that admins of non-root spaces can create an API key up to their current level of permissions. Also, if this is set to true, then the API key creator can delete the API key regardless of their current permissions.
- Exchange an API token for a Spacelift User.
- Creates the Azure DevOps Repo integration.
- Deletes the Azure DevOps Repo integration.
- Tests the Azure DevOps Repo integration.
- Updates the Azure DevOps Repo integration with new properties.
- Creates the Bitbucket Cloud integration.
- Deletes the Bitbucket Cloud integration.
- Tests the Bitbucket Cloud integration.
- Updates the Bitbucket Cloud integration with new properties.
- Generates a confirmation token for CLI auth.
- dismissAllNotificationsDismisses all notifications.
- Dismisses notifications.
- Dismisses notifications by grouping key.
- Creates an Azure integration.
- Deletes the integration with the specified ID.
- Updates the integration with the specified ID.
- Attaches the specified Azure integration to a Stack. Note that at least one of either the 'read' or 'write' parameters must be true, and a Stack can have at most one read, and one write attachment. A single integration can be attached for both read and write. The subscriptionId can be set when attaching an integration to override the default Azure subscription Id configured against the integration.
- Detaches an Azure integration from a Stack, using the unique ID of the attachment.
- Updates an Azure integration attachment.
- Creates the Bitbucket Datacenter integration.
- Deletes the Bitbucket Datacenter integration.
- Tests the Bitbucket Datacenter integration.
- Updates the Bitbucket Datacenter integration with new properties.
- Create a blueprint.
- Delete an existing blueprint.
- Update an existing blueprint.
- Create a new context.
- Create a new context (v2).
- Delete an existing context.
- Update an existing context.
- Update an existing context (v2). replaceConfigElements allow to specify if we want to also update config elements. When it's not specified or false, input.configAttachments will be ignored and no config elements will be altered. When true, the config elements attached to the context will be replaced with the values included in the request. If an existing element is not included, it will be deleted from the context.
- Attach context to a Stack.
- Detach context from a a Stack.
- Add a context config element.
- Delete a context config element.
- Updates the build-in GitHub integration
- Create data for the GitHub app creation form - internal.
- Create a GitHub integration using an app created from a manifest.
- Creates the GitHub Enterprise integration
- Deletes the GitHub Enterprise integration
- Tests the GitHub Enterprise integration
- Updates the GitHub Enterprise integration
- Creates the GitLab integration.
- Deletes the GitLab integration.
- Tests the GitLab integration.
- Updates the GitLab integration with a new access token and (optionally) API host or User Facing Host.
- Creates a new GPG key to be used for signing binaries.
- Updates the description on the GPG key.
- Revokes a GPG key to be used for signing binaries.
- logoutSessionEnd the current session.
- oauthRedirectOAuthRedirect!Get a GitHub URL to redirect to.
- Exchange code and temporary token for a GitHub token.
- Exchange GitHub token for a Spacelift User.
- Create a new Module.
- Delete an existing Module, assuming it has no active versions.
- Change Terraform registry from private to public.
- Disable the module, so it cannot create new runs.
- Enable the module.
- Update an existing Module (v1 API, does not support updating source).
- Update an existing Module (v2 API).
- Attach Policy to a Stack.
- Create a new Policy.
- Create a new Policy (v2 API).
- Delete an existing Policy.
- Detach Policy from a Stack.
- Simulate policy evaluation.
- Update an existing Policy.
- Update a Policy (v2 API).
- Cancel a Run that has not yet started.
- Set a run state to `PENDING_PLAN` to force a replan.
- Comment on the run.
- Confirm a Run that's waiting to be applied. If the Run ID is not passed, the Run that's currently blocking the stack will be confirmed.
- Discard a Run that's waiting to be applied. If the Run ID is not passed, the Run that's currently blocking the stack will be discarded.
- Promote a proposed Run to a tracked one.
- Create proposed run based on provided local workspace.
- Retry a PR Run that has finished.
- Add a run review.
- Stop a Run that's currently in progress.
- Trigger a Run. By default, this mutation triggers a tracked run for the commit currently tracked by a Stack or, if the Stack is not yet tracking any commit, against the HEAD of the Stack's tracked branch. These defaults can be overridden.
- Trigger a proposed Run. By default, this mutation triggers a proposed run for the commit currently tracked by a Stack or, if the Stack is not yet tracking any commit, against the HEAD of the Stack's tracked branch. These defaults can be overridden. In contrary to the generic runTrigger mutation, proposeWithOverrides allows overriding environment variables in the proposed runs to enable more complex testing environment. Bear in mind that these environment variables are NOT supposed to be secrets, therefore are not treated as such.
- Sets the prioritization value of a run. When prioritized, the run will take precedence over other queued runs for the worker pool it is assigned to.
- Experimental: Mark a run external dependency as completed.
- Set up SAML integration.
- samlDeleteSAMLSettingsDelete SAML integration.
- Set up OIDC integration.
- oidcDeleteOIDCSettingsDelete OIDC integration.
- Update OIDC settings to use slack member id from idp.
- Delete a security key.
- userSecurityKeyDeleteAll[SecurityKey!]Delete all security keys for the current user.
- Invalidate a Session. NOTE: this functionality is not available in the Starter tier.
- sessionDeleteAll[Session!]Invalidate all account sessions except for the session making the request. Returns the deleted sessions.
- slackOauthRedirectOAuthRedirect!Get a Slack URL to redirect to.
- Summarizes the run state for a given run
- Deletes a run state summary
- Summarizes a given run
- Deletes a run summary
- Stub for the Terraform provider for creating runs. The Terraform provider only needs to be able to trigger a run but will not follow it, so we do not expose anything else than the ID. By default, a tracked run is created, but this can be overridden by setting the proposed argument to true.
- Create a new stack. The third argument (stackObjectID) is optional, and should only be used when creating a Stack with pre-existing state that is handed over to Spacelift for further management.
- Delete an existing stack.
- Create a stack AWS integration by setting a role ARN.
- Delete an AWS integration by unsetting a role ARN.
- Creates an AWS integration.
- Deletes the integration with the specified ID.
- Updates the integration with the specified ID.
- Attaches the specified AWS integration to a Stack. Note that at least one of either the 'read' or 'write' parameters must be true, and a Stack can have at most one read, and one write attachment. A single integration can be attached for both read and write.
- Detaches an AWS integration from a Stack, using the unique ID of the attachment.
- Updates an AWS integration attachment.
- Create a new saved filter.
- Delete a saved filter.
- Update a saved filter.
- Create a new stack dependency.
- Creates multiple stack dependencies in a single request.
- Adds reference output/input
- Adds multiple references output/input in a single request.
- Updates reference output/input
- Updates multiple references output/input in a single request.
- Deletes reference output/input from stack dependency
- Deletes multiple references from stack dependency.
- Delete a stack dependency.
- Create a new DriftDetectionIntegration for stack
- Update DriftDetectionIntegration for stack
- Delete DriftDetectionIntegration for stack
- Create a new ScheduledDelete for stack
- Update ScheduledDelete for stack
- Delete ScheduledDelete for stack
- Create a new ScheduledRun for stack
- Update ScheduledRun for stack
- Delete ScheduledRun for stack
- Create a new ScheduledTask for stack
- Update ScheduledTask for stack
- Delete ScheduledTask for stack
- Create a stack GCP integration by generating a service account. If the service account already exists, it is not changed.
- Delete a stack GCP integration by deleting a service account.
- Change the slug of an existing stack. The slug will be generated from the current stack name. WARNING: if you're referring to this stack by ID from Terraform resources then some of those resources will be recreated. Make sure you know exactly what you're doing!
- Disable the stack, so it cannot create new runs.
- Enable the stack.
- Set the current commit on an existing stack. The current commit is what is used for tasks and - by default - for triggering tracked runs (deployments).
- Update an existing stack.
- Add a stack config element.
- Delete a stack config element.
- Lock the stack for exclusive use.
- Unlock the stack.
- Sync the tracked commit of the stack.
- Sets or unsets star on a Stack or Module.
- stateUploadUrlStateUploadUrl!Generate pre-signed state upload URL.
- Creates a new billing subscription addons argument can be ignored because it has not implemented yet.
- Updates the billing tier of an existing billing subscription
- Updates an existing billing subscription
- Updates the billing info of an existing subscription
- billingSubscriptionDeleteBillingSubscriptionCancels current subscription
- Sets the instance-wide Slack App configuration. This is used to connect your Spacelift installation to a Slack App that can be used for the Slack integration. Only available on Self-Hosted instances. Calling this mutation on a Spacelift SaaS account will result in an error.
- slackAppConfigDeleteSlackAppConfigDeletes the instance-wide Slack configuration. Only available on Self-Hosted instances. Calling this mutation on a Spacelift SaaS account will result in an error.
- Creates a new space
- Create a new Role.
- Updates space
- Deletes space
- Creates a new Terraform provider. Note that the type needs to be unique within the account, and it can then be used as the provider's ID.
- Updates an existing Terraform Provider
- Changes public visibility of the Terraform Provider
- Deletes a Terraform Provider
- Create a new Terraform provider version.
- Register a platform supported by the version. The result is presigned upload URL that can be used to upload the platform binary. This call is idempotent so registering the same platform multiple times will not create multiple copies, but once a platform is registered, the binary must be uploaded.
- This mutation is similar to terraformProviderVersionRegisterPlatform, but it also returns the optional uploadHeaders required for the upload request.
- Update an existing Terraform provider version.
- Publish an existing Terraform provider version.
- Revoke a published Terraform provider version.
- Delete a draft Terraform provider version.
- Create a Task from a command.
- Upload a persistent UI config. Consecutive calls will overwrite the previous config. UI config is a JSON blob.
- Upload workspace for later processing in other mutations.
- Create a new VCSAgentPool.
- Delete an existing VCSAgentPool.
- Update an existing VCSAgentPool.
- Recreate the credentials necessary to connect VCSAgentPool's agents to the gateways.
- Create Version test run based on provided local workspace.
- Trigger failed Version.
- Yank the version (mark it as bad). This action cannot be undone.
- Delete version. This action cannot be undone.
- Set notes on the Version.
- Create Version based on optional SHA or branch head.
- Create a new WebhooksIntegration for stack
- Update WebhooksIntegration for stack
- Delete WebhooksIntegration for stack
- Create a new WorkerPool.
- Delete an existing WorkerPool.
- Update an existing WorkerPool.
- Recreate the credentials necessary to connect WorkerPool's workers to the control plane.
- Toggles draining on the worker.
- Cycles the workerpool
- Create a new NamedWebhooksIntegration for a space
- Delete a NamedWebhooksIntegration from a space
- Update a NamedWebhooksIntegration for a space
- Set secret headers for a named webhook to use when sending requests
- Remove secret headers for a named webhook
- Track user event
- Page user event
- Identify user event
- Group user event
- Complete generic form with the data provided in input