RuntimeConfig is the runtime configuration pulled from GitHub for each
Run separately.
- environment[EnvVar!]!Environment variables
- projectRootIndicates where the root of the Terraform project is.
- runnerImageName of the Docker image used to process the Run.
- terraformVersionTerraform version used to process the Run.
- terraformWorkflowToolTerraformWorkflowToolTerraform workflow tool used to process the Run. TODO: ideally we'd make this field optional because it doesn't make sense for non-TF stacks. Same with the version.
- afterApplyList of after-apply scripts.
- beforeApplyList of before-apply scripts.
- afterInitList of after-init scripts.
- beforeInitList of before-init scripts.
- afterPlanList of after-plan scripts.
- beforePlanList of before-plan scripts.
- afterPerformList of after-perform scripts.
- beforePerformList of before-perform scripts.
- afterDestroyList of after-destroy scripts.
- afterRunList of after-run scripts.
- beforeDestroyList of before-destroy scripts.
- terragruntTerragruntRuntimeConfigContains any Terragrunt-specific configuration options used by the run. This field may not be populated for older runs created before the Terragrunt runtime config began being stored.
- terraformTerraformRuntimeConfigContains any Terraform-specific configuration options used by the run.
- yamlruntime configuration in YAML format