TerraformProvider represents a Terraform provider managed using Spacelift's
Terraform provider registry.
- idImmutable ID of the provider, unique within the scope of a single account.
- createdAtCreation timestamp of the provider.
- deletedWhether the provider has just been deleted.
- descriptionHuman-readable description of the provider, if set by the user. Supports Markdown.
- labelsSet of labels attached to the provider.
- latestVersionNumberThe semver number of the last version of the provider that was published.
- publicWhether the provider can be consumed outside of this account.
- spaceID of the space this provider belongs to.
- spaceDetailsSpace!Details of the space this provider belongs to.
- updatedAtLast update timestamp of the provider.
- Get a particular version by its semver number.
- versions[TerraformProviderVersion!]!List of versions of the provider.