- allowedMinutesNumber of minutes that can be used within the billing period.
- allowedSeatsNumber of users who can log in within the billing period.
- billingPeriodStartThe start date of the current billing period.
- billingPeriodEndThe end date of the current billing period.
- logins[UserLogin!]!Logins of users who logged in to any of the stack
- pricePerSeatThe unit amount (in cents) to be charged per seat monthly
- pricePerWorkerThe unit amount (in cents) to be charged per worker monthly
- pricePerRunMinuteThe unit amount (in cents) to be charged per run-minute.
- subscriptionPriceThe unit amount (in cents) to be monthly charged for the subscription
- upcomingInvoiceTotalAmountCost forecast of the upcoming invoice.
- usedMinutesNumber of minutes used within the current billing period.
- usedPrivateMinutesNumber of private minutes used within the current billing period.
- usedPublicMinutesNumber of public minutes used within the current billing period.
- usedSeatsNumber of users who last logged in during current billing period.
- usedWorkersMaximum number of concurrent self-hosted workers in the current billing period.