
Version represents a single version of the Module.
  • id
    Unique ID of the Version.
  • downloadLink
    Link to the source code to download the version. Will only work for ACTIVE versions.
  • notes
    User-provided notes associated with the version.
  • number
    Number of the version conforming to the semantic versioning scheme (major, minor, patch).
  • sourceURL
    Link to the source code from which the version was built.
  • createdAt
    CreatedAt is unix timestamp (in seconds) at which the version was created
  • triggeredBy
    The user who manually triggered this Version, if any.
  • consumerCount
    Number of stacks, regardless of account, using this module version.
  • versionCount
    Terraform versions tested for this version.
  • yanked
    Indicates whether the version has been marked as "bad".
  • yankedBy
    Login of the user who marked the version as "bad", if it has been marked
  • yankNote
    Note associated with the version when it was marked as "bad", if it has