
List of azure integrations that can be attached Stacks/Modules in given space.



  • adminConsentProvided
    Indicates whether admin consent has been performed for the AAD Application.
  • adminConsentURL
    The URL to use to provide admin consent to the application in the customer's tenant.
  • applicationId
    The applicationId of the Azure AD application used by the integration.
  • hasAttachedStacks
    Indicates whether any stacks are attached to this policy, either directly or via auto-attachment.
  • createdAt
    Unix timestamp representing the integration creation.
  • defaultSubscriptionId
    The default subscription ID to use, if one isn't specified at the stack level.
  • displayName
    The display name for the application in Azure. This is automatically generated when the integration is created, and cannot be changed without deleting and recreating the integration.
  • The unique ID for managing the integration within Spacelift.
  • space
    ID of the space this AzureIntegration belongs to.
  • User-defined labels set on the integration.
  • The friendly name of the integration.
  • tenantId
    The Azure AD tenant ID.
  • updatedAt
    Unix timestamp representing the last update to the integration.