Details of a single AWS integration.
- id
AwsIntegration- Retrieve an individual stack attachment by its ID (slug).
- hasAttachedStacksIndicates whether any stacks are attached to this policy, either directly or via auto-attachment.
- attachedStacks[AwsIntegrationStackAttachment!]!The stacks attached to this integration.
- idThe unique ID for managing the integration within Spacelift.
- spaceID of the space this AwsIntegration belongs to.
- spaceDetailsSpace!Details of the space this AWS integration belongs to.
- nameThe friendly name of the integration.
- roleArnAWS IAM role to assume.
- durationSecondsDuration in seconds for which the assumed role credentials should be valid.
- generateCredentialsInWorkerAWS credentials will be generated in the private worker.
- externalIdAWS external ID (only valid when generating credentials in private workers).
- Generates the external ID that would be used for role assumption when attached to the specified stack.
- labelsUser-defined labels set on the integration.
- legacyIndicates that this integration was automatically created via the stackIntegrationAwsCreate mutation and is bound to a single stack.
- notificationCountNumber of the aws integration notifications.