Returns a single blueprint.
- id
Blueprint- idBlueprint ID, used to identify a blueprint by name (slug)
- ulidUnique identifier of the blueprint (ULID)
- spaceSpace!Space to which this blueprint belongs.
- deletedIndicates whether the blueprint has been deleted.
- nameName of the blueprint
- descriptionDescription of the blueprint.
- rawTemplateRawTemplate of the blueprint.
- stateBlueprintStateState of the blueprint. Published or Draft.
- inputs[BlueprintInput!]!Inputs of the blueprint.
- labelsLabels associated with the blueprint.
- createdAtCreatedAt is unix timestamp (in seconds) at which the blueprint was created
- updatedAtUpdatedAt is unix timestamp (in seconds) at which the blueprint was updated
- publishedAtPublishedAt is unix timestamp (in seconds) at which the blueprint was published
- externalIntegrations[BlueprintIntegrationAttachment!]!