- List of data points containing information about the account's usage along with some metadata. AspectInput is used to specify the aspect of the usage to be returned. The data points are returned in reverse chronological order.
- auditTrailWebhookAuditTrailWebhookShow details of AuditTrailWebhook.
- auditTrailRetentionDaysHow many days built-in audit trails are stored
- availableBillingAddons[BillingAddon!]!availableBillingAddons returns the list of available billing addons.
- availableSelfServicePlans[BillingPlan!]!availableSelfServicePlans returns the list of billing plans that can be bought via self-service.
- securityEmailReturns security email for the account
- roles[Role!]!Returns all roles for the account that are accessible by the requester.
- metricsSpaceliftMetricsReturn the current value for a given metric.
- Return the values for a given metric in a given range.
- accountCanBeDeletedWhether the grace period of deletion has ended and account can be deleted
- accountCanBeDeletedAtTimestamp when the account can be deleted.
- apiKeys[ApiKey!]!List of all API keys for the account.
- apiKeysManagedByNonRootAdminsAccount-level setting indicating if API keys can be managed by non-root admins.
- allowNonRootAdminSpaceCreationAccount-level setting indicating if non-root admins can create subspaces.
- externalIntegrations[ExternalIntegration!]!
- List of policies that can be attached to Stacks/Modules in given space.
- List of worker pools that can be attached Stacks/Modules in given space.
- List of contexts that can be attached Stacks/Modules in given space.
- List of VCS integrations that can be attached Stacks/Modules in given space.
- List of aws integrations that can be attached Stacks/Modules in given space.
- List of azure integrations that can be attached Stacks/Modules in given space.
- authorizationSchemeAuthorizationSchemeAuthorization scheme for the account
- Given the space and the labels, returns the list of autoattachment targets. The list is not exhaustive, it only contains the 100 most recently updated targets.
- awarenessSourceSurveyAwarenessSourceSurvey
- billedExternallyWhether the account is billed externally (not through Stripe)
- Details of a single AWS integration.
- Details of a single AWS integration looked up by the integration name.
- Lists any AWS integrations connected to the account. By default this excludes any integrations that were created via the stackIntegrationAwsCreate mutation. You can return all integrations by setting includeLegacy to true.
- Shows Azure DevOps Repos integration details.
- azureDevOpsWebhooksEndpointEndpoint for incoming Azure DevOps webhooks.
- Details of a single Azure integration. If the id is not provided, it will return the default Azure Integration.
- Details of a single Azure integration looked up by the integration name.
- azureIntegrations[AzureIntegration!]!Lists any Azure integrations connected to the account.
- Shows Bitbucket Cloud integration details.
- bitbucketCloudWebhooksEndpointEndpoint for incoming Bitbucket Cloud webhooks.
- Shows Bitbucket Datacenter integration details.
- bitbucketDatacenterWebhooksEndpointEndpoint for incoming Bitbucket Datacenter webhooks.
- List of branches for a given repository.
- blueprintSchemaThe json schema of a blueprint.
- Details of a single Context.
- contexts[Context!]!List of all the contexts in the account.
- enforceMFAEnforceMFA determines whether MFA is required for all users in the account.
- The webhooks endpoint to use in your GitHub Enterprise App
- hasAIEnabledHasAIEnabled determines whether the account has AI enabled/disabled
- llmVendorLLMVendorllmVendor returns the selected LLM vendor for the account
- acceptedTermsAndConditionsAIAcceptedTermsAndConditionsAI informs if the account has accepted the AI usage terms and conditions
- latestTermsAndConditionsVersionAITermsAndConditionsVersionLatestTermsAndConditionsVersionAI returns the latest version of the AI usage terms and conditions.
- githubIntegrationGithubIntegrationBuild-in GitHub Integration settings.
- GitHub Enterprise Integration settings. If the id is not provided, it will return the default GitHub Enterprise Integration.
- Shows Gitlab integration details. If the id is not provided, it will return the default Gitlab Integration.
- gitlabWebhooksEndpointEndpoint for incoming Gitlab webhooks.
- gpgKeys[GPGKey!]!List the GPG keys used to sign binaries.
- installationIdID of the GitHub App installation linked to the current account.
- publicWorkerPoolPublicWorkerPoolShows public worker pool details
- markedForDeletionTells if the account is marked for deletion.
- modules[Module!]!List of all the Modules managed by this account.
- Details of a single Module.
- idID of the account.
- nameName of the account.
- notificationCountTotal number of new Notifications.
- onTrialUntilIf the account is on the trial period, this indicates the end of it.
- outgoingIPAddressesList of Spacelift's outgoing addresses.
- Details of a single Policy.
- policies[Policy!]!List of all the polices in the account.
- providersVCSProviderList of all the VCS providers available in the account.
- List of all the VCS providers available in a specific space.
- vcsIntegrations[VCSIntegration!]!List of all VCS integrations available in the account.
- Get VCS integrations by provider and id
- List of repositories available to the account.
- samlSettingsSAMLSettingsSAML settings, if the account is using SAML-based SSO.
- oidcSettingsOIDCSettingsOIDC settings, if the account is using OIDC-based SSO.
- Details of a single saved filter
- List of saved filters
- Information about fields available for searching managed entities.
- Search managed entities with a set of predicates, ordering and paging.
- Search managed entities grouped by stacks with a set of predicates, ordering and paging.
- Search managed entities grouped by types with a set of predicates, ordering and paging.
- Search managed entities grouped by providers with a set of predicates, ordering and paging.
- Searches for audit trail entries.
- Information about fields available for searching audit trail entries.
- Search Modules with a set of predicates, ordering and paging.
- Information about fields available for searching Modules.
- Search Notifications with a set of predicates, ordering and paging.
- Information about fields available for searching Notifications.
- Search Stacks with a set of predicates, ordering and paging.
- Return the stack the run belongs to.
- Information about fields available for searching Stacks.
- securityKeys[SecurityKey!]!Returns list of the security keys in the account.
- sessions[Session!]!List of all the active sessions in the account. NOTE: this functionality is not available in the Starter tier. An empty array will be returned for Starter tier accounts.
- sharedModules[SharedModule!]!List of all the Modules shared with this account.
- slackAppConfigSlackAppConfigReturns the instance-wide Slack App config information for a Self-Hosted instance. This is used by the Spacelift Slack integration to integrate with your Slack workspace. Always returns null on SaaS.
- slackAppManifestReturns the app manifest that should be used when creating a Slack App to integrate Spacelift with Slack. This is only useful on Self-Hosted instances. Always returns empty on SaaS.
- slackIntegrationSlackIntegrationShows the details of the integration between your Slack workspace and your Spacelift account.
- spaceliftAwsAccountIdReturns the AWS account used by Spacelift during role assumption. This can be used for generating AssumeRole policies.
- Details of a single Space.
- Details of a single Stack.
- Returns a single blueprint.
- availableUserGroupsReturns all user groups that are reported by the identity provider when users log in to Spacelift.
- spaces[Space!]!Details of all the spaces in the Account accessible for the user.
- stacks[Stack!]!List of all the stacks in the account.
- billingSubscriptionBillingSubscriptionShows Stripe Billing subscription details
- Given version constraints, calculate the latest version that satisfies it.
- openTofuVersionsList of all supported OpenTofu versions.
- Given version constraints, calculate the latest version that satisfies it.
- Given version constraints, calculate the latest version that satisfies it. NOTE: the only valid values for the "tool" parameter are TERRAFORM_FOSS or OPEN_TOFU, and when no tool is specified it defaults to TERRAFORM_FOSS.
- terraformVersionsList of all supported Terraform versions.
- terragruntVersionsList of all supported Terragrunt versions.
- kubectlVersionsList of all supported kubectl versions.
- policyRuntimePolicyRuntimeDetails!List Policy Runtime Details
- Details of a single Terraform provider.
- terraformProviders[TerraformProvider!]!List of all Terraform providers managed by this account.
- tierBillingTierBilling tier of the account.
- tierFeaturesBillingTierFeatureThe list of features available based on the billing tier of the account.
- typeAccountTypeType of the GitHub account.
- uiConfigGetGet the stored UI configuration for the user. If no configuration is stored, empty string will be returned.
- usageUsage!Usage for the last 30 days.
- viewerUserCurrent user, if any.
- hasSSOReturns true if the account has SSO enabled.
- seatsSeats!Returns the seat limits and the number of in-use seats.
- Details of a single VCSAgentPool.
- vcsAgentPools[VCSAgentPool!]!List of all the VCSAgentPools in the account.
- vcsEventTriggeredRunsLimitMaximum number of runs triggered by a VCS event for this account.
- Details of a single WorkerPool.
- workerPools[WorkerPool!]!List of all the WorkerPools in the account.
- managedUsers[ManagedUser!]!List of users that were invited or logged into the account.
- Details about a single managed user.
- managedUserGroups[ManagedUserGroup!]!List of user groups in this account.
- Details about a single user group.
- List of managed user group integrations. Allows for optional integrationType parameter to get integrations of specific type only.
- Managed user group integration specified by id.
- debugInfoDebugInfo!Info about git build related data, self-hosted licence. Not valid in SaaS.
- genericFormsList[GenericFormDescription!]!Returns a list of available generic forms
- Returns a list of related Ansible Hosts.
- Returns a list of related Ansible Tasks.
- Individual AnsibleHost by ID.
- searchAnsibleHosts allows to search ansibleHosts.
- Information about fields available for searching AnsibleHosts.
- searchAnsibleTasks allows to search AnsibleTasks.
- Information about fields available for searching AnsibleTasks.
- hasAnsibleStacksTrue if the account has at least one Ansible stack
- Returns true if the generic form is completed
- evaluateFeatureFlags returns the current value of the specified feature flags. This API is only available on Self-Hosted installations, and trying to use it on Spacelift SaaS will result in an empty array being returned.