Species- nameThe name of this species.
- classificationThe classification of this species, such as "mammal" or "reptile".
- designationThe designation of this species, such as "sentient".
- averageHeightThe average height of this species in centimeters.
- averageLifespanThe average lifespan of this species in years, null if unknown.
- eyeColorsCommon eye colors for this species, null if this species does not typically have eyes.
- hairColorsCommon hair colors for this species, null if this species does not typically have hair.
- skinColorsCommon skin colors for this species, null if this species does not typically have skin.
- languageThe language commonly spoken by this species.
- homeworldPlanetA planet that this species originates from.
- createdThe ISO 8601 date format of the time that this resource was created.
- editedThe ISO 8601 date format of the time that this resource was edited.
- idThe ID of an object